International Gathering 2014
26TH - 29TH JUNE 2014
The Gathering Scotland 2014 event in Stirling is now over and so is our clan's International Gathering with our celebrations of the event. We would like to thank all our family members and guests who joined us from all corners of the world for putting the effort to participate in our planned events and we wish you a safe return back to your own homes.
If you have any material or comments you would like to share with the rest of the family, you are welcome to contact our webmaster.
June 26, 2014 - Ardtalla open house supper

June 27, 2014 - Stirling Pipefest March

Click here for more photos from the Stirling Pipefest March
Watch Videos from the Pipefest March
Paisley Clan appears at 15min 55sec on the following video and with the proceeding band at 11min 06sec on the second one
June 28, 2014 - Bannockburn Live

Click here for more photos from the Bannockburn Live
June 28, 2014 - Clan Paisley Dinner in Stirling

Click here for more photos from the Clan Paisley Dinner in Stirling
June 28, 2014 - Bannockburn Live and BBQ at Ardtalla

Click here for more photos from the Bannockburn Live and BBQ at Ardtalla